If you haven’t spent time in Oregon, Montana, Idaho or Washington you likely haven’t heard of these juicy little red-dark purple berries. While the bushes can be cultivated, the berries will only appear on wild bushes in subalpine forests. This means they can’t be grown for harvest and mass produced, keeping them an elusive and sought after delicacy. If you are in one of these states make sure to try some huckleberry products like the Wild Huckleberry Lager (pictured below) from Whitefish, Montana. It’s a perfect reward after a hot day’s hike! Or if you won’t be able to visit these states any time soon try these huckleberry products below. (affiliate link.)
Finding + Picking the Wild Huckleberry
Most people won’t share their berry picking spots, but they can be found on many hikes in the states mentioned above. My SO and hiking partner, Wes, can attest to this as he has had to drag me out of a number (too many to count) of berry patches so we could finish our hike before it got dark. The sign of any good huckleberry picking day is red stained fingers and possibly lips to match. (Please make sure you rinse/wash berries that are picked in the wild before eating them or using them in your recipes!)
Native Americans prized these berries and have a long history with them. You can read more about huckleberries and their place in American culture here. There are protected areas designated just for Native Americans to harvest these special berries so please be aware of where you are picking.
“I’m your huckleberry”
-19th Century Slang
Historically, “I’m your huckleberry,” was a way of saying you were just the right person for the job. And like that old adage, these little beauties will be just the right berry for any number of recipes. The following are a few of my favorite huckleberry recipes and my family’s special Huckleberry Jam + Syrup recipe will be coming soon!
Some of My Favorite Wild Huckleberry Recipes
If you’re interested in learning more about huckleberries and adding additional recipes to your repertoire please consider the stunning cookbook below! (affiliate link)
Do you have any favorite huckleberry recipes or any great huckleberry picking stories? Are there any recipes you’d like to see me use huckleberries in?
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